Education and Circularity together to transform societies

Mão na massa

Who are we?

We are Movimento Circular, an initiative that believes in collective strength to transform the future, today. Our purpose is to take the Circular Economy further and further, connecting people, companies, organizations and public authorities on a journey of innovation, so that together we can build circular societies.

We believe that the best answers are found from a local and diverse perspective and we seek to ask questions that change perspectives. We want to inspire conscious choices and build, step by step, a world where reuse and respect for natural resources are part of everyone's daily life.

Our role is to cultivate this diverse network, promoting dialogue, sparking ideas and, together, paving the way for a society that values ​​the complete life cycle of materials and products. This is the path to the Circular Economy, and this is what we believe.

o que fazemos

What we do

Faced with the global polycrisis, the Circular Movement understands the urgency of action today. That's why we seek to inspire changes that lead us to the concept behind circular societies — where the reuse of resources, environmental protection and the search for planet regeneration are part of culture, natural.

Our role is to engage people through Education and Culture, so that the Circular Economy is part of everyday life, transforming the way we produce, consume and discard in a conscious way.

Through online and offline educational solutions, we offer knowledge and practical tools so that more and more people and organizations can adopt circularity in their routines and businesses.

Be the Change in Motion. Be Circular.

Who does the MC

Vinicius Saraceni


Marina Amorim


Eliana Rocha


Alinye Amorim


M. Carolina Stenico


João Luiz


Juliana de Melo
Julliana de Melo


Arlene Carvalho


Ismaela Silva


Mariana Brizi


Lívia Lins


Thiago Egg


Guilherme Souza


Higor Ruan


Edson Grandisoli



Christian Ullman
Flávio Ribeiro
Isabela Bonatto
Marisol Del Toro
Sueli Furlan

Why join

We are the largest multi-sector initiative in Circular Economy in Latin America, impacting millions of people and counting on dozens of partner companies and organizations. Participating in this journey offers a competitive advantage in today's market. The Circular Economy is on the rise, challenging everyone to reconsider our personal and corporate choices. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this transformation!

Let's build circular societies together
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See who's already a part

Logo Atina

Responsible for coordinating the Circular Movement, he has been working for 15 years leading collective impact projects, involving companies, government and other actors to promote sustainable development.

Logo Dow

A pioneering partner of Movimento Circular, based in Michigan, United States. Together, we promote connections between people, companies and organizations on a journey of learning, innovation and transformation towards the Circular Economy.

Logo 3M
Logo Abiplast
Logo Acoplásticos
Logo Adesampa
Logo Adesampa GreenSampa
Logo Adesampa
Logo Aheza Cooperative
Logo Amiplast
Logo Anipac
Logo Atina
Logo Avery Dennison
Logo Avina
Logo Azul Pack
Logo Boomera
Logo Bras Alpla
Logo Clean Plastic
Logo Conatrec
Logo Coopercaps
Logo Circular Plastics in the Americas Program
Logo Cps
Logo Crescer
Logo Dow
Logo Earth Life University
Logo EcoAssist
Logo Ecopil
Logo Ecoplas
Logo 3M
Logo Abiplast
Logo Acoplásticos
Logo Adesampa
Logo Adesampa GreenSampa
Logo Adesampa
Logo Aheza Cooperative
Logo Amiplast
Logo Anipac
Logo Atina
Logo Avery Dennison
Logo Avina
Logo Azul Pack
Logo Boomera
Logo Bras Alpla
Logo Clean Plastic
Logo Conatrec
Logo Coopercaps
Logo Circular Plastics in the Americas Program
Logo Cps
Logo Crescer
Logo Dow
Logo Earth Life University
Logo EcoAssist
Logo Ecopil
Logo Ecoplas
Logo Engeflex
Logo ESF
Logo Evoy
Logo Facens
Logo Flix
Logo Folmex
Logo United Way
Logo Instituto Francesco Zomer
Logo GM&C
Logo GTech
Logo Instituto de Embalagens
Logo Inova Usp
Logo Lord
Logo Magiam
Logo Museo Memoria y Tolerancia
Logo PET EQ Unicamp
Logo Plastiandino
Logo Grupo Plastine
Logo Porvir
Logo RC4CE
Logo Sabesp
Logo Scania
Logo SEE
Logo Soft Film
Logo Engeflex
Logo ESF
Logo Evoy
Logo Facens
Logo Flix
Logo Folmex
Logo United Way
Logo Instituto Francesco Zomer
Logo GM&C
Logo GTech
Logo Instituto de Embalagens
Logo Inova Usp
Logo Lord
Logo Magiam
Logo Museo Memoria y Tolerancia
Logo PET EQ Unicamp
Logo Plastiandino
Logo Grupo Plastine
Logo Porvir
Logo RC4CE
Logo Sabesp
Logo Scania
Logo SEE
Logo Soft Film
Logo Teach For All
Logo Tecnológico de Monterrey
Logo Instituto Tepeyac
Logo Una Colombia
Logo Uniso
Logo Valgroup
Logo Zaraplast
Logo Reciclus
Logo Ideia Circular
Logo Circulare
Logo Mars
Logo Conecta Verde
Logo ecofalante
Impacta Nordeste
Instituto Rever
Logo Alpha Lumen
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas
Totalflex Embalagens
Logo Teach For All
Logo Tecnológico de Monterrey
Logo Instituto Tepeyac
Logo Una Colombia
Logo Uniso
Logo Valgroup
Logo Zaraplast
Logo Reciclus
Logo Ideia Circular
Logo Circulare
Logo Mars
Logo Conecta Verde
Logo ecofalante
Impacta Nordeste
Instituto Rever
Logo Alpha Lumen
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas
Totalflex Embalagens

In the media: +1,500 brand mentions

The Circular Movement has been highlighted in the national media, strengthening the message of urgency in the transition to the Circular Economy. With our Ambassadors in major media outlets in the country, our voice of circularity educates and raises awareness in society about circular and sustainable practices. Each appearance reinforces the need to adopt new consumption models, consolidating the Circular Movement as a leader in the transition to a sustainable future and a more circular society.

Check out some of the main vehicles that have highlighted our work:

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Circular Movement We are the Movement that involves more and more people in an increasingly Circular world. Associate.

The partners' actions, opinions and values may not necessarily reflect those of the Circular Movement.

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